[G&S]: Halloween all month with us & HoS / Earlybird & low income sold out

From: "Gemini & Scorpio" <gs@PROTECTED>
Subject: [G&S]: Halloween all month with us & HoS / Earlybird & low income sold out
Date: October 15th 2024

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Hello lovelies,

Two weeks till Halloween! Lock in those tickets and don't be locked out of the most fun party night(s) of the year. Earlybird and low income tickets are now gone, but other tiers remain. Our kinkier sister company, House of Scorpio, has fun evenings for you this month as well, while G&S proper has two Halloween options. We're including a couple HoS events below, in case they might be your speed. We highly recommend getting to know the community through smaller events before turning up for the bigger play events.

- Wed 10.16 - HoS Sinema Club ($0-10, HoS members only) - Spooky season top pick: The Hunger, an aesthetic masterpiece, sexy AF, vampire flick with David Bowie, Catherine Deneuve and Susan Sarandon. Plus, a talkback discussing queer interpretations of the vampire genre and more.

- Fri 10.18 - HoS Fierce! (FREE / by donation, open to all) - a dance party and mixer giving you one more chance to meet the community before the big blowout Halloween weekend. You'll surely want to know more of our peeps better by then...

- Fri 10.25 - HoS Persephone ($0-50, members only) - Kinky cabaret meets dungeon play party, against our Dark DecaDance goth dance backdrop. Dark music, dark vibes, happy playtime.

- Sat 10.26 - Masquerade Macabre ($30-60, open to all) - Brass bands, circus, burlesque, variety: a whirlwind LOFT PARTY like the NYC of old.

- Thur 10.31 - Cute Halloween ($0, open to all) - Testing out a new party idea...a Halloween with all the costumed excess treats but none of the horror tricks. Blood and gore are not for everyone! Come get cute with us.

*** Please reserve tickets in advance! It helps us plan staff and supplies. ***


Gemini & Scorpio,
makers of themed costume events with live entertainment

One-time donations: https://www.paypal.me/geminiandscorpio or https://www.venmo.com/gemini-scorpio
Monthly donations & sex-pos events via HoS: http://www.houseofscorpio.com/membership.html
Handmade merch (flasks & geeky buttons): https://www.etsy.com/shop/GeminiScorpio
Vintage, thrift & designer clothes: https://linktr.ee/miss_scorpio_fashion (reply for an in-person appt)

http://www.geminiandscorpio.com | #geminiandscorpio | #geminiandscorpioloft
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House of Scorpio - the sex-positive side of G&S http://www.houseofscorpio.com | http://bit.ly/HoS_FB

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FRI 10.16: FILM

House of Scorpio
Sinema Club: The Hunger with special guest Nancy Roche
Wed Oct 16*, 7-11:30pm, 21+ (25+ suggested), open to all
Main space: movie night, $0-$10 sep on membership level
Bar & lounge: HoS Clubhouse, $FREE***
Gemini & Scorpio Loft, 267 Douglass St, 3rd fl (ADA accessible)
Official info & house rules: http://www.houseofscorpio.com/events.html
Memberships & tix: http://www.houseofscorpio.com/membership.html (log in to buy)
FB: https://www.facebook.com/events/838751448443167
FL: https://fetlife.com/events/1609161
PL: https://plra.io/m/sinema-club-sex-pos-and-lgbtq-film-club-the-hunge
Socials: @houseof_scorpio [producer] @gemini_scorpio [venue] #houseofscorpio
The body's largest sex organ is the brain. Sinema Club stimulates yours with films that are explicitly erotic, homo-romantic, or gender-exploring -- and always thought-provoking. A rousing discussion follows; drinking is encouraged throughout, and mingling happens before, during and after: the bar remains open for socializing, while the film plays in the main space. Plus: free popcorn from our vintage cart. Order dinner in, and make it dinner and a movie.
This months screening: hot hot hot noir vampire classic The Hunger (1983) with Catherine Deneuve and David Bowie
When The Hunger was first released, it got mediocre reviews: dismissed as a stylistic triumph at best, but not a particularly noteworthy addition to the vampire movie genre. Yet more than 40 years later, the film remains a cult classic. It's not difficult to see why: look just a little bit beneath the surface of the plot -- a couple of sexy-as-all-hell vampires approach a beautiful young doctor (Susan Sarandon!) when one of the immortals finds they're having a serious health problem -- and you get unexpectedly poignant themes of mortality and loss of long-term domestic partnership alongside the more familiar tropes of power, sex, and bloodsucking. And of course, the film remains aesthetically breathtaking.
Our screening of The Hunger will be followed by a talkback with Nancy Roche, noted writer and academic. Nancy currently teaches film studies with emphases on gender and identity at Belmont University. We will discuss the film -- and vampire mythos in general -- through a queer lens.
Sinema Club is curated and hosted by Phil Guie-Ng (@thatphilguymovies): an inquisitive, ardent longtime film critic who is dying to tell you about movies you haven't heard of yet. As a reviewer at the website Film-Forward, his self-appointed mission was covering documentaries and features about subjects who challenged conventional attitudes about gender, masculinity, and more. When Phil isn't writing about movies, you can find him in Brooklyn taking part in protests on behalf of basic human rights.
*Sinema Club happens on the third Wednesday of every month
***Plus: House of Scorpio Clubhouse. Whatever your membership level, you are invited to use our space as your own for the night...as your clubhouse. While the ticketed activities will take place on the stage side of the room, the bar and lounge will remain open 7pm-11pm (12am if enough people are lounging). Just like with regular events, if you're Friend level and above, you can bring up to two friends with you. Order in dinner, have a few drinks, run a friendly board game, or just read a book on the comfy couch. This is not a mixer -- just us opening our doors for our members. It's up to you how much you socialize, if at all, and with whom.
COVID safety: HoS requires proof of vaccination on file; masks encouraged; two hospital grade UV air purifiers will cycle the air.


House of Scorpio
Fierce! poly, kinky, queer & allies dance party & social
Fri Oct 18, 10pm-3am, 21+ (25+ suggested)*
For existing & prospective HoS members
FREE! $5-20 sugg donation to cover staff & loft rent
(Advance donations help a LOT, so the usual $0-15 tix are avail)
Gemini & Scorpio Loft, 267 Douglass St, 3rd fl (ADA accessible)
Official info & house rules: http://www.houseofscorpio.com/events.html
Memberships & tix: http://www.houseofscorpio.com/membership.html
FB: https://www.facebook.com/events/1495245261134730
FL: https://fetlife.com/events/1610720
PL: https://plra.io/m/fierce-poly-kinky-queer-and-allies-dance-party-and
Socials: @gemini_scorpio @houseof_scorpio #houseofscorpio
Calling all poly, kink, LGBTQIA+ and other "alternative" dating/sex/gender-aligned humans and their allies for a chill social & dance gathering in our lush nightlife lair. We got lights & smoke & lasers, booming bass, spinning disco ball, lots of dance floor, lots of couches. Queer DJs lay down an eclectic mix of retro and current pop hit remixes & mashups with happy house vibes.
Dress code: your queerest self! Sparkly unicorns, leather daddies, LED aliens, fancy fairies, punk dykes, glitter glamour queens, sequin divas, kinky party monsters, dandy butches, neon rainbow bears. This party is inclusive of all genders & expressions -- except casual wear. Dress to dance!
*HoS rules: Dress code required; HoS membership, PAL or prior approval not required; Code of Conduct always applies; no photos except in the designated front area.
COVID safety: HoS requires proof of vaccination on file; masks encouraged; two hospital grade UV air purifiers will cycle the air.



House of Scorpio

Persephone: dark dance + dungeon Halloween

Fri 10.25, 9pm-4am, 21+ (25+ suggested), HoS members only
$0-50 depending on membership level / $20 after 12:30am if capacity allows
// EARLYBIRD SALE: each membership level gives you $10 off instead of $5, until Wed Oct 9 //
Gemini & Scorpio Loft, 267 Douglass St, 3rd fl (ADA accessible)

Official info TK: http://www.houseofscorpio.com/events.html
Memberships & tix: http://www.houseofscorpio.com/membership.html (log in to buy)

FB: https://www.facebook.com/events/557466569958107
FL: https://fetlife.com/events/1610749
PL: https://plra.io/m/persephone-dark-dance-dungeon-halloween-35
Socials: @houseof_scorpio [producer] @gemini_scorpio [venue] #houseofscorpio #gspersephone

As autumn's chill stills the air, Persephone once again journeys to the underworld to bring redemption and pleasure to its denizens and to seek out her immortal lover Hades. Taste the sacred pomegranate and join us in a modern recrafting of the sacred and erotic Eleusian mysteries.

A dark and haunting mix of dance, performance, sensory experience and kink play, Persephone is a myth-meets-fetish Halloween celebration. Featuring interactive sensory experiences and performances by Lydia Vengeance, Vonka Romanoff, Logan Laveau, Andreas Fenix and more. You may engage our dark demigods for personal scenes with their consent (and your tips) between their performances. Our resident dark DJ Alley Shiver keeps you dancing all night with goth, industrial, synth, dark 80s, new wave, electro and more.

Explore your dark desires...bring your dates & your toys. Consent and polite party behavior strictly enforced. Welcome to our underworld.

Dress code: gods and goddesses, devils and demons, damned souls, gothic, fetish, dark Lolita, cyberpunk, ninja warrior. Effort required / no casual wear.

HoS rules: HoS membership is required; no PAL requirement except at or near play stations (BYO or engage one of our hosts); dress code and Code of Conduct apply; no photos except in the designated front area.

COVID safety: HoS requires proof of vaccination on file; masks encouraged; two hospital grade UV air purifiers will cycle the air.


Gemini & Scorpio

Masquerade Macabre

Sat 10.26, 9pm-4am, 21+ (25+ suggested)
$25 earlybird until Wed 10.9 / $30-60* GA / $20 after 12am if capacity allows
Gemini and Scorpio Loft, 267 Douglass St, 3rd fl (ADA accessible)

Official info: http://www.geminiandscorpio.com/events.html
Tix: https://buytickets.at/geminiandscorpio/1415152
FB: https://www.facebook.com/events/3496214010676024
Socials: @gemini_scorpio #geminiandscorpio #MasqMacabre

A marvellous and mysterious event...a Halloween celebration of the extravagant and the grotesque...an all-night spectacle of atmosphere, costumery and diverse entertainments...an explosion of riotous live music, dancing, circus arts and late-night revelry, snake-charmed into an absinthe-fueled early-morning speakeasy. A Halloween like only G&S can do.

- Brass Monkeys: foot-stomping, electrifying brass band blending infectious rhythms of New Orleans with irresistible pop covers
- Bawdy burlesque by Logan Laveau
- Glorious sideshow by Maggie McMuffin
- Daring aerial stunts by Lys
- Demonic dance floor by G&S fave Illexxandra
- Ghostly visuals
- Absinthe and other mind-altering potions by The House of St Eve (yes, t.h.o.s.e. cocktails...)

Dress code: your glamorous, dark, witchy, steampunk best or your Halloween wear. Effort required / no casual wear / if we have to ask, it's not a costume. You WILL be turned away without a refund.

COVID safety: masks encouraged; two hospital grade UV air purifiers will cycle the air.

*All tickets offer the same access to the event. Please buy at the highest price you can, to support artists, production and affordable tickets for everyone. For every patron ticket ($60) we add a low income ticket ($30).


Gemini & Scorpio

Cute Halloween

Tue 10.31, 7pm-12am
All ages / no alcohol / full NA drinks menu
FREE! / Sugg donation $5-20 towards loft renovations
Gemini & Scorpio Loft, 267 Douglass St, 3rd fl (ADA accessible)

Official info: http://www.geminiandscorpio.com/events.html
FB: https://www.facebook.com/events/515114224762551
Socials: @gemini_scorpio / #geminiandscorpio

Darkness is not for everyone! Welcome to our safe-space Halloween, where the only costumes allowed are...CUTE. Nothing offensive, nothing dark, nothing bloody. Wear your frilly or nerdy or kawaii best and join us for drinks, dancing and lounging. Selfie photo booth open. You're even welcome to get your dinner delivered here. No cover, but donations welcome.

COVID safety: masks encouraged; two hospital grade UV air purifiers will cycle the air.




Do you have something to share with us or events you'd like to have included in our emails? We're always open to suggestions & feedback: gs@PROTECTED .

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