April 24th 2024
Gemini & Scorpio (Mailing list information, including unsubscribe instructions, is located at the end of this message.) Hello lovelies, We've been largely focused on renovations and private events in the magic loft, but you can come join us for a goth dance party this Fri, courtesy of House of Scorpio's Dark DecaDance (no membership required). Cheers, Gemini & Scorpio, makers of themed costume events with live entertainment One-time donations: https://www.paypal.me/gemin ...Continue Reading
April 17th 2024
Gemini & Scorpio (Mailing list information, including unsubscribe instructions, is located at the end of this message.) Hello lovelies, Spring is officially here, and what better way to celebrate than getting down on the dance floor! Three options for you this week & next, from our extended producer family: - Tomorrow Thur 4.18 - Foxie Lou & Gavin James Knittle's Dance at Dusk Fusion Dance - This Fri 4.19 - House of Scorpio's Fierce!: a happy-beats party for queer, poly, ...Continue Reading
April 11th 2024
Gemini & Scorpio (Mailing list information, including unsubscribe instructions, is located at the end of this message.) Hello lovelies, It's been a minute since you heard from us, as we've mostly been busy continuing to build out the venue and hosting private events. (Yes, you too can have your show/party/performance here! Drop a line to loft@PROTECTED with your desired dates, number of people, etc.) But, spring is here, and that always puts us in a dancing mood. Our sister group, H ...Continue Reading
February 27th 2024
Gemini & Scorpio (Mailing list information, including unsubscribe instructions, is located at the end of this message.) Hello lovelies, Thanks to all 100+ of you who came out this past Saturday to make it the best Brooklyn Mardi Gras yet. That was amazing! We'd love to see pics & videos! If you're posting them to Insta, please tag us: @gemini_scorpio #brooklymmardigras #geminiandscorpio #geminiandscorpioloft and set the location to the magic Loft. We're also still waiting on our ...Continue Reading
February 20th 2024
Gemini & Scorpio (Mailing list information, including unsubscribe instructions, is located at the end of this message.) Hello lovelies, Our legendary Mardi Gras party is coming up this Saturday, and today is your last chance to grab a presale ticket that includes a slice of authentic King Cake flown in directly from NoLA. We chatted to the company this morning, and as long as we place the order by 12:30 tomorrow, they can get us the cake on time. So you got all of today and until 12p ...Continue Reading
February 6th 2024
Gemini & Scorpio (Mailing list information, including unsubscribe instructions, is located at the end of this message.) Hello lovelies, It's G&S birthday time! Three fabulous events this month...which ones can you make it to? And btw: with our new larger venue, we have the ability to set up group tickets for anyone celebrating their own occasions. You get all the fun of partying in our loft without having to rent it privately. Reach out and let us know if you'd like to bring a crew o ...Continue Reading
January 25th 2024
Gemini & Scorpio (Mailing list information, including unsubscribe instructions, is located at the end of this message.) Hello lovelies, We are nearing our Birthday month stretch, and you know we are planing to celebrate extensively. - Fri 1.26 - Dark DecaDance - New Year's weekend goth dance & kink play bash was such a hit that we are taking this sensuous party monthly, on every fourth Friday. It's also officially moving to our sexier sister site, House of Scorpio, so we can pro ...Continue Reading
January 15th 2024
Gemini & Scorpio (Mailing list information, including unsubscribe instructions, is located at the end of this message.) Hello lovelies, February is just around the corner, and our month's plans range from the darkly decadent to sweetly romantic. We're also pondering a pre-VDay market...what do you think? - Thur 1.18 - Guest event: Dance at Dusk Fusion Dance monthly. - Fri 1.26 - Dark DecaDance - New Year's weekend goth dance & kink play bash was such a hit that we are taking th ...Continue Reading
December 26th 2023
Gemini & Scorpio (Mailing list information, including unsubscribe instructions, is located at the end of this message.) Hello lovelies, Here are our grand weekend plans & a ticket update. - Fri 12.29 - Dark DecaDance - After a year of testing the waters with our Dark Dance party, we're going darker and more decadent: a full-on kink play event meets goth dance party. Our very special guest DJ for this one is Xris Smack, the legendary party producer and DJ. The entire Loft will be ...Continue Reading
December 22nd 2023
Gemini & Scorpio (Mailing list information, including unsubscribe instructions, is located at the end of this message.) Hello lovelies, We know you're all about to disappear into holiday weekend land, but: it's just A WEEK TO GO until New Year's Eve weekend. We are doing three events in all, and as always, we recommend getting those tickets as quickly as you can. Also as always, the VIP reserved seats and Low Income tickets are the first to sell out. Don't wait. Here's everything we ...Continue Reading
This mailing list is announce-only.
G&S: Gemini & Scorpio's own themed parties and weekly list of NYC events, artist opportunities and freebies.
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